Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Of thick tomes and Fat books!

Here are some book suggestions for those of you who are not too particular about catching the latest bestseller, yet are looking tomaximise your book reading experience.All these books are thick tomes which will please the hard-core booklover no end!

These eleven books are also the most issued out booksfrom our library (excluding seasonal demands for the latestbestseller!!):

1. The Mammoth Book of Legal Thrillers.

2, The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror.

3. The Mammoth Book of Roaring Twenties Whodunnits.

4. Pulp Fiction; The Dames.

5. Sacred Games, Vikram Chandra

6. Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchell

7. Scarlett, Alexandra Ripley

8. The Bear and the Dragon, Tom Clancy

9. The Chronicles of Narnia

10. The Lord of the Rings.

11. My country, My Life. LK Advani.

There has also been some change in our Plans,We now send off 6 books a month in each of our deliveries for our Super Readers. Also, we have changed the Relaxed Reader delivery. It shall now comprise of a single delivery of four books for the enitremonth. The change has been brought about due to popular demand by thereaders, who wanted to have minimal interface with the courier guys!The subscription fee remains the same at Rs. 300.Of all our plans, it is no doubt the Super Reader plan which is themost popular! But Surprisingly, the one that follows next on thepopularity charts is the Turtle Reader plan-which gives you a singlebook in a month.While we feel the Turtle plan is no value for money, when compared toour other plans, and quite often try to make the reader change her/hismind about the plan, several readers we get calls from say that theTurtle Reader plan suits them the most. Our Turtle readers are not too particular about catching the latest bestseller, and just wish for abit of reading to relax and divert themselves for a short time eachday. In my next post, Ishall try to suggest some more great value books specially for our turtle readers! Do write in with your suggestions....