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I am sure all of you are looking forward to the long weekend! We are closed on Sunday, our weekly off day, as well as Monday, since it is Id.
I had selected two books to be my reading material for the weekend, but have unfortunately finished both already, so will just have to read my collected A.A.Milne!
The two books I have just finished reading are Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol, and Ravi Kapur’s The Sacred Secret. The Lost Symbol is a constant page turner, and just the thing for a lazy weekend! Each chapter ends with a thrilling bit of information which brings the protagonists, and us, the readers, closer to the end of the quest. As with The DaVinci Code, this book also uses symbols—theological, alchemical, scientific, astrological, pre-christian—to unearth and decode a fantastical secret.
Must stop now, or will find myself revealing the entire plot!
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